WPS Concussion Protocol

OVERVIEW (without Return-to-Sport specifics)

  1. Diagnosis from doctor if there is a suspected concussion and obtain a Medical Assessment Letter to present to coaches/WPS.
  2. Medical clearance to begin Return-to-Sport (light activity with no contact) and preferably a Return-to-Sport strategy with activities cleared by doctor (a water polo specific Return-to-Sport strategy can be found in the WPC Concussion Protocol document provided below). This clearance MUST be submitted in written form (note or email) to a WPS personal prior to returning to the pool for any form of training.
  3. Medical Clearance Letter for full contact practice/games. There must be a clear indication of: 1) WHEN the athlete is allow to return and 2) WHAT activity they are cleared for (i.e full contact and regular practices). Athletes who do not provide a Medical Clearance Letter will not be able to return to full practice or competition until they have done so. 


NOTE: A single medical clearance note can be accepted for steps 1 & 2 or 2 & 3 IF the medical note clearly states when the athlete is allow to progress into the next step AND/OR when the athlete is cleared for full contact practice/competition (e.g. 4 days symptom free in step 2, the athletes can return to regular play and competition).


For more information on WPC concussion protocol and water polo specific Return-to-Sport strategy, please see the attached document. (This document is provided as a guide/recommendation and athletes should follow any steps/protocol provided by their medical professional first).


Additional Resources:

Water Polo Canada Website - Concussions

Water Polo Canada - Concussion Recognition Tool 5 (PDF)

Water Polo Canada - Concussion Education Toolkit (Players & Parents/Caregivers)

Water Polo Canada - Concussion Education Toolkit (Coaches, Trainers, and Safety Personnel)



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